Fishing News from 2020

Monday 21st December 2020

Well done to Jonathan for landing at fabulous 16lb 10oz pike during the week, and Theo for the 14lb and 7lb duo of pike yesterday... the pike season continues to produce some great captures!

Merry Christmas to all of you in our Shillinglee fishing community... we know its been a difficult year, and we appreciate your loyalty and hope we have provided you with a welcome distraction on our peaceful lakes.. not to mention some great fishing!

Happy New Year too.. let's hope its a better one! The Shillinglee Team

Wednesday 16th December 2020

Congratulations to our fabulous pike fishing community for a hugely successful week... John for landing three whopping specimens, weighing in at 20lb 2oz, 18lb and 15lb 8oz ... several others also enjoyed similar success stories.

Also well done to Theo for the stunning 14lb carp he landed on Monday ... look us up on Facebook and Instagram for pictorial evidence & give us a follow! Even better, come and test your skills on our stunning lakes during the lead up to Christmas and over the festive holidays... we remain fully open for business.

Friday 11th December 2020

Recent dry, crisp weather has encouraged our anglers here at Lakeside and we've seen a steady stream of pike caught, and some Carp last weekend .. do visit us and make the most of the pre-festive calm!

We are a fully socially-distanced operation and offer card payment as well as cash to keep our clients safe... we hope to see you soon.

Friday 4th December 2020

We have been enjoying the last of the Autumn leaves here at Shillinglee and have seen a steady stream of happy anglers enjoying our beautiful lakes and renovated pegs on Carp Corner!

Congratulations to Rob for landing a stunnning 15lb Mirror and following this up with a 19lb Common... and also to Peter the Champion Piker for adding several whopping pike to his growing seasonal record... the latest of which weighed an impressive 15lb 10z.

Monday 23rd November 2020

As Autumn continues the steady march into Winter, we have noticed a new sharpness in the air here at Shillinglee..... and a continued run of success for our fishing community. We have also seen a welcome rise in the numbers of families and juniors... a fabulous trend which we hope to see continuing into the New Year. All ages and abilities are made very welcome on our beautiful lakes.

Well done Paul for the stunning 20lb 6oz Common, landed at the weekend, and Sam for the cracking 18lb Mirror the following day.

The pike season is in full swing, and we have seen good numbers caught in the last week, with particular mention going to Jonathan for a whopping 20lb 2oz captured last week.

Monday 16th November 2020

We are delighted to report on a successful first week of the second National Lockdown here at Shillinglee...regulars, day ticket holders and families have enjoyed their time on our stunning lakes.

The pike season continues to rival previous years, with a steady run of success for Peter, who has variously landed a stunning 15lb pike, followed by a 6lb and several smaller catches. Matt also celebrated a huge 21lb 6oz pike, and several smaller including a lovely at 9lb.

Congratulations to Keith for an amazing capture last week... a fabulous 23lb Mirror, and Charlie for persevering and landing a whopping 26lb 12oz Common.

We remain fully open and compliant with all Angling Trust guidelnes, take cash or card and have plenty of parking. Shillinglee is especially peaceful and picturesque during Autumn... make the most while the leaves are on the trees in all their Autumnal glory!

 Friday 6th November 2020


The Angling Trust have updated their guidance regarding fishing during this second lockdown period and we are delighted to confirm we can remain open providing sensible and safe precautions are taken. These include, but are not restricted to, staying as local as possible, social distancing, fishing within your family/support bubble and no groups larger than two.

Rest assured your safety remains our primary concern, and to this end we provide well spaced pegs, plentiful parking, and take cards with our machine if you prefer to cash. See below for link to Anglng Trust website and full Covid related guidance. We hope to welcome you to our stunning and peaceful lakes soon.

In other fishing news, huge congratulations to Peter the amazing Pike fisherman, who continues his season with a whopping 21lb capture along with 3 under 14lb... we have everything crossed for Pete the Piker as he's hoping to equal or better his incredible record of 50+ Pike last season!

Sam landed a beautiful 12lb Common, and Dave a lovely 14lb Pike to add to Charlie's 12lb Mirror and Ben with two huge Common Carp topping the scales at 22lb and 12lb! Well done to everyone.

Wednesday 4th November 2020

The Angling Trust have published the latest guidance and interpretation of Government Covid policy relating to angling, please see the link below. Once the vote in the House of Commons has taken place later today, and the guidance becomes law, we will update you but for now please assume we are open and you are welcome to fish on our beautiful lakes in this gloriously sunny Autumn weather.


Monday 2nd November 2020

Following on from Saturday's Government announcement of a second National lockdown commencing this Thursday, 5th November, we have been keeping a close eye on the rules and guidelines regarding angling.

The Angling Trust have recently posted this news update (see link below). We will continue to monitor the situation and update you when we have further news.

Thank you for your patience, we hope you all stay safe and well.

Wednesday, 28th October 2020

What a fantastic start to the week! Paul landed the most stunning 32lb 8oz Mirror on Monday followed swiftly by Keith with another beautiful 23lb 14oz Mirror! Well done both!

The Pike season is in full swing with our most prolific Piker, Peter, catching a huge 22lb 6oz Pike to add to his quite incredible season record last year of 50+ Pike! Let's hope this season is as successful for him!

Do come and join us on our lovely lakes during this unseasonally mild weather... the leaves are turning and we are seeing good numbers of fish out of our lakes!

Monday 26th October 2020

We are delighted to report on another successful weekend on our stunning Autumnal lakes here at Shillinglee... the pike season continues unabated with some great captures up to 14lb.

Jon enjoyed a very successful Saturday with a beautiful 14lb 8oz Common and Rich's perseverence paid off with a whopping 20lb 8oz Common he landed at 4am Sunday! Well done to you both!

*** Please note due to the clocks going back an hour, our amended opening times are 6.30am to 5pm/dusk until further notice. Thank you ***

Monday 19th October 2020

October has been an incredibly successful month at Shillinglee so far, seeing plenty of pike out, up to 14lb in weight including a 12lb 8oz beauty landed by Pete, a great start to the piking season.

We have also seen some huge Carp caught ... Keith celebrated a 14lb Mirror and Andy a 15lb Mirror.

Special mention though must go to Steve, who landed three massive fish in four hours... starting with a stunning 31lb silver Common, a 29lb 4oz Mirror then just after midnight, landing a 24lb Common. Huge well done Steve!

Jon, not to be outdone on the same day, enjoyed a fabulous session which included 16lb 3oz and 10lb 13oz Mirrors, and a beautiful 12lb 5oz Common.

Do come along and try our stunning Autumnal lakes and fantastic swims, we are open 6.30am to 6.30pm and everyone is welcome. We take cash and card, and observe all social distancing measures.

Monday 5th October 2020

A fantastic start to the Pike season, with Geoff landing a 22lb beauty, Peter 13lb and Matt 13lb 8 oz amongst others... well done all!

Much activity with the Carp fishing too - Jon celebrated a stunning 23lb 12oz Mirror and then another at 19lb 3oz, Paul a 16lb Mirror and Rich 18lb and 12lb, both Mirrors.

*** Please note our opening hours are now 6.30am - 6.30pm/dusk ***

Wednesday 30th Septebmer 2020

Delighted to report on a great fortnight's fishing, with Alan celebrating landing a stunning 24lb Mirror & Rich was thrilled with his 12lb 3oz Mirror and 11lb 12oz Common... well done both!

Congratulations also to Christian 16lb Mirror, Alan again 19lb 9oz Common, Tom 8lb 8oz Mirror, Paul 16lb Mirror and 6lb Tench.

We are seeing alot of lovely Perch & Roach at the moment... come and see for yourself! The leaves are turning and our lakes are looking beautiful... escape the New Normal and come and enjoy the peace while testing your skills!

Wednesday 16th September 2020

Congratulations Rich and Steve for persevering and ultimately triumphing during a marathon 72 hour session... and being justifiably rewarded with  two fabulous Common carp 17lb 10oz and 19lb 10oz for Rich, and Steve landing a stunning 28lb Common!

We hope to see you soon during this unexpectedly warm, early Autumn weather... our lakeside is cool and shady, and our friendly team awaits to welcome day ticket holders and Syndicate members alike!


Monday 7th September 2020

What a fantastic start to Autumn! We have a couple of incredibly successful catch reports to share ... starting with Syndicate member Jon who celebrated his best ever capture record over the August Bank Holiday and topped it all off with a PB!

Huge congratulations go to Jon for landing four stunning Commons weighing in at 15lb 13oz, 19lb, 21lb 2oz and 24lb 4oz and last but far from least, his amazing 33lb Mirror PB!

Hot on his heels is fellow Syndicate member Sam, who was delighted with three stunning Common Carp weighing in at 12lb, 15lb and 22lb 4oz and ended his successful week with a whopping 32lb Mirror!

With lovely balmy early Autumn weather forecast, do join us as the leaves mellow, adding a colourful backdrop to our beautiful lakes.

Friday 28th August 2020

*** Please note due to the shorter days, our opening hours for day tickets

are now 6.30am - 8.30pm/dusk until further notice ***

Wednesday 26th August 2020

After a week of changeable weather culminating in the last few stormy days, we can report a productive end to August, with congratulations going to Tom for landing a lovely 15lb Common, which Jack then followed up with his own 10lb Common.

Charlie then celebrated his own successful day's fishing... landing a beautiful 14lb Mirror at the weekend. As we say goodbye to August, and summer slowly eases into Autumn we hope to see you on our lovely lakes soon.

Monday 17th August 2020

As the heatwave gave way to oppressively muggy weather and now the thankful relief of thunder and fresher days, we have enjoyed a hugely successful first fortnight of August here at Shillinglee.

Tom .. on a day ticket..landed a beautiful 14lb 9oz Mirror, new Syndicate member Richard a stunning 14lb 4 oz Common, and Jon after a long weekend at the lake enjoyed success with another Common weighing in at 20lb 5oz.

The second week saw Ben with a fabulous 14lb 10oz, Joe with a lovely neat 8lb Mirror, and topping the lot Christian with a whopping 20lb 12oz Common.

Huge congratulations everyone, patience and skill paying off in equal measure.

Sunday 2nd August 2020

Some nice fish have come out over the last few days : Christian's 20 LB 12 oz Common, Ben's 14 LB 10 oz Mirror and Joe's 8 LB Common, well done to all. Photos to follow but are currently on Facebook.

Friday 24th July 2020

Delighted to report another successful week with huge congratulations going to Ben for landing a stunning 18lb 10oz Common and a PB... 26lb 6oz Mirror!

Not to be outdone, Matt followed this up with a beautiful big 21lb 6oz Mirror... well done both! We are looking forward to a lovely weekend here ... come and join us!

Wednesday 15th July 2020

A great weekend's fishing was enjoyed here at Shillinglee... getting off to a brillaint start with Richard landing a 13lb Mirror and soon after another weighing 5lb.

Theo kicked the week off in style with two stunning Common Carp.. 18lb and come and test your skills and let us know how you do... we also welcome all catch photos for our social media sites, subject to your approval.

Friday 10th July 2020

July's first full week's fishing saw Mark celebrate landing not only a whopping 32lb Mirror, but also another at 17lb 8oz and a 15lb 8oz Common. Keith continued a great week with his 15lb Mirror and Alan caught a stunning 18lb Common.

As sunny Summer weather is forecast to return, do join us on our beautiful lakes where a warm welcome awaits you!

Friday 3rd July 2020

As June slides into July ... but feels like April with all these squally showers!.. we are pleased to report a successful week here at Shillinglee...the weekend saw Richard and Charlie with 15lb Common and 15lb 14oz Mirror respectively... and Charlie's guest landing a beautiful 22lb 8oz Mirror!

During the week, congrats must go to Craig for the stunning 20lb 2 oz Mirror and on the same day saw one of our ticket holders celebrating a 17lb Common to round off another successful week here... let's hope the sun comes out and kicks off a warm July!

Friday 26th June 2020

At the end of another sun-drenched week, and the beginning of a sunny but thankfully cooler weekend, we wanted to congratulate Joe on his PB catch... a stunning 29lb 2oz Common. Also massive well done to day ticket holder Mark, who celebrated landing 32lb and 18lb Mirrors..what a brilliant week!

The weather is predicted to remain fine so do come and join us on our lovely lakes.. we are open 6.30am-9pm, and have card readers in place if you prefer as a payment method to cash.

Friday 19th June 2020

Huge congratulations to one of our syndicate members, Steve for his stunning catches this week... a 27lb Mirror and another 9lb Mirror later that day. Also, well done to the daughter of Marcus, another of our syndicate members, for her PB catch ... a huge 19lb 10oz Common!

Also worth a mention is Alex and his 7lb Tench.. well done everybody... we hope to see you at our beautiful lakes soon!

Monday 15th June 2020

Another wonderfully successful week here at Shillinglee... and if you didn't get chance to visit.. what are you waiting for??

We are now open 6.30am until 9pm all summer.. we have safe social distancing procedures in place, including card readers and its been a successful week on all of our lakes.. with two beautiful Commons of 5lb and 6lb out of Silverdale Lake, and congratulations to Howard for his 12lb Mirror!

We hope to see you soon!

Monday 8th June 2020

What a fabulous start to June... sunny days from dawn to dusk and some fabulous fishing.. well done Jack with his 18lb and 14lb Common carp, and Joe with his whopping 20lb Common.

The change in the weather over the weekend did nothing to dampen spirits here.. Henry landing a 6lb Common and the daughter of one of our other syndicate members with her 4lb Common.

Our new card payment system is up and running on the bank, so in line with Covid-19 safety advice, we would be grateful if you could pay by debit/credit card if possible...although Andy our bailiff will still take cash if no other option available. There is now no need to phone or email to book...just turn up.

From 15th June, we will be extending our opening hours from 6.30am to 9pm/dusk (whichever happens first!) instead of our usual 6.30pm so we look forward to welcoming you to our stunning lakes very soon!

Wednesday 27th May 2020

A wonderful sunny weekend here at Shillinglee... and a very successful catch report to share with you all!

Steve landed a beautiful 33lb 12oz Mirror, Jon a stunning 20lb 7oz Mirror and our bailiff Andy continued his run of success with a 16lb 6 oz Mirror and a 12lb Common.

Sunday saw Dave landing an 11lb Common and Matt a 1lb 8oz eel!

We look forward to welcoming you as the heatwave looks set to continue for at least another week... we have all the appropriate safety measures in place regarding distancing and money collection so do come and join us in the sunshine!

Friday 22nd May 2020

What a fabulous start for many of our Syndicate and day ticket holders...Andy deserves a special mention for the stunning 32lb Common he landed, Pete for several c. 1.5lb roaches and topped of in spectacular style by Paul Harrison for his incredible haul of 26lb, 24lb and 18lb Commons!

In addtion, day ticket holder Robin scored a PB and Shillinglee record for the biggest Tench ever out of the lake .. 11lb!

The sun is due to shine all week, including the Bank Holiday weekend, so do come and join us here at sunny Shillinglee!

Monday 18th May 2020

Shillinglee has reopened and our Syndicate Members have wasted no time during the lovely sunny weekend... congratulations to Sam Moor for landing a whopping 32lb Mirror, and following up this success with a 10lb Common.

Alan also deserves a mention for his 25lb Common, as does Mark for catching a stunning 6lb Tench. Craig followed these successes with a beautiful 18lb Mirror. A very positive first week back, and our social distrancing and personal hygiene and safety measures are all in place to ensure a safe fishing experience for all.. we look forward to opening on Wednesday 20th to day ticket holders, see below for further information.

Tuesday 12th May 2020

The Angling Trust (AT) is recommending that fisheries can open from tomorrow if they feel they are able to operate safely and within Angling Trust guidelines.Shillinglee Fishery will open to syndicate members only from tomorrow, Wed 13th May, so we can gradually open our facility and set up a bank transfer system ( rather than accepting cash) amongst other requirements.

Day tickets will be available from Wed next week onwards, 20th May,from 6.30 am/6.30 pm for £15 for up to 3 rods; people wishing to fish from this date should contact Martin Wakefield, the owner on 07774269838 the day before to book a place and make a bank transfer that day, so fees are paid before the day of arrival.

A maximum of 12 pegs will be available in total around the main lake each day to ensure minimum distances,as recommended by the AT,between fishermen of 15 metres are observed .Please bring hand sanitiser with you if you handle the car park or entrance gate to the fishery, although we will endeavour to keep the gates open during the day to minimise handling of these gates.The portaloo in the car park will not be open during the day for the time being until we have a system in place to keep it clean and safe.

The head bailiff,Andy,will check on the bank ( from a safe distance of minimum 2 metres) that day tickets from next Wed 20th May have been paid by bank transfer the day before , and as such, will ask for the day ticket’s full name and number ( allocated from 1-12 at time of payment).For further clarification of Angling Trust guidelines, please view their website.

We looking forward to welcoming you back to Shillinglee Fishery and please keep safe.

Wednesday 15th April

Shillinglee Fishery remains closed due to Government regulations regarding non-essential businesses and social distrancing due to Covid-19. However we send our best wishes to everyone during this difficult time.

We thought a retrospective update of the Pike season would be of interest .. as Peter deserves a name-check and our massive congratulations for an quite astoundingly succesful piking season. During the pre-lockdown period of October 2019 - March 2020, he caught 19 pike, weighing between 10-20lb, plus additional pike 21lb, 23lb 6 oz and 23lb 10oz. Amazing.. well done Peter!

Jack also had a brilliant pike season... well done... and to all of you. We hope to welcome you all back to Shillinglee as soon as lockdown ends. Stay safe and healthy in the meantime.

Wednesday 25th March

Plse note we are shutdown due to the current lock down in place due to the Coronavirus and will remain so until further notice.

Monday 23rd March

Finally the wet weather has abated and Spring sunshine is warming the air here at Shillinglee. It's been lovely to see so many of you out fishing during these trying times, and following Government guidlines on social distancing.

Late March has seen some fabulous catches.. to name a few: Sam 18lb Common, Henry 18.5lb Common, and Angus with two fantastic Mirror Carp weighing in at 30lb 12 oz and 27lb 4 oz.. as well as the 6lb Tench he landed! Well done to Peter with his 23lb 6 oz Pike last weekend... a great start to the Spring fishing season at Shillinglee.

We remain open and wish all our members, friends and families good health during these unprecedented and difficult times.

Wednesday 4th March

Spring is in the air... and hopefully we've seen the last of the terrible wet weather. Do come and visit us now there are signs of green shoots and warmer air .. Jon did, and what a fabulous 48 hour fishing marathon he enjoyed, landing amongst others a fabulous 15lb 3oz Common! See you soon!

Monday 24th February

Despite the relentless deluge that February 2020 will be remembered for, the stoical anglers here at Shillinglee have been undeterred... Peter landed a 14lb 8oz Pike, Gary a 14lb Pike and Steve managed to top both with a 20 lb Pike! Sam has continued his successful season with  30lb and 23lb Mirrors.

Hopefully March and the promise of drier Spring weather will encourage you to come and enjoy our stunning lakes and beautiful fish! Happy Leap Year to you all!

Monday February 3rd

As we move towards Spring and the wet and mild winter leaves its muddy memories, the Piking season has been a great success here at Shillinglee. Henry landed a 12lb 8oz pike, his 10th above 10lb since October. Also deserving a mention are Jon and Sam, each catching 14lb Mirrors, Paul's 21lb & 23.7lb Commons, plus a 24.5lb Mirror and Keith's 14lb Mirror.

Well done to all our intrepid anglers, and to anyone tempted to fish our beatiful lakes for the first time, do come down and give us a try. You won't be disappointed!